Finance Empowers Sustainable Innovation, Investment Advances Inclusive Growth

Asia Cooperation in the Western China Financial Centre | Asia-Middle East Industry and Finance Investment Supports Regional Transformation and Growth

Recently, the Boao Forum for Asia Economist Roundtable 2023 was held in Beijing, with in-depth discussions on the current international and regional economic situation under the theme of “New Drivers for Global Development.” Representatives from the China Innovation Finance Institute | Chengdu were invited to attend the event and share their research findings on the construction of financial centres, as well as economic transformation and investment cooperation in emerging markets in Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa.

ZHOU Xiaochuan
Vice-Chairman of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political
Consultative Conference(CPPCC), Vice-Chairman of the BFA
GU Shengzu
Vice-Chairman of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political
Consultative Conference(CPPCC)

Participating economists and experts believe that the global economy today is still struggling with a low growth rate, facing multiple challenges such as climate change, global inflation, geopolitical fragmentation, and weakened international cooperation. Countries around the world should enhance cooperation, uphold multilateralism, promote sustainable recovery, boost trade and investment, rely on technological innovation to empower green development, and join hands to address global challenges.

LI Ruogu
President, China International Economic Relations Association
ZHANG Xiaohui
Former Assistant Governor, People's Bank of China
Steven Barnett
Chief Representative, International Monetary Fund (IMF) in China
Vice President of the BFA Academy 
柯思潭Fabrizio COSTA
Fabrizio Costa
Economic and Financial Counsellor of the Embassy of Italy in China
Tadaaki Kawamura
Minister Financial Attache’-Japanese Embassy in Beijing
Elitza Mileva
Lead Economist, The World Bank
Global Chief Economist of BOC International
CHEN Xingdong
Chief China Economist, BNP Paribas
LU Ting
Chief Economist, China, Nomura International (Hong Kong) Ltd.
DING Shuang
Chief Economist, Greater China and North Asia at Standard Chartered Bank
Chief Operating Officer, Bank of America China and President, Beijing Branch
Calvin Chenggang FU
Chairman, China Innovation Finance Institute | Chengdu
Lead Professor of Infrastructure Sustainability Transformation, University College London(UCL)
和诺林Nowrin HOSSAIN
Nowrin Hossain
Head of Macro Economics Unit of British Embassy in Beijing
WU Yuchen
China and Korea Economist, Bank of America Global Research Department
Mr. Calvin Chenggang FU, Chairman of the China Innovation Finance Institute | Chengdu elaborated:

“Emerging economies in Asia and the Middle East face many challenges in growth and transformation, and opportunities lie in complementary cooperation in the future. The emerging and developed economies in Asia outperform in innovation, technology, talents, production capacity, and markets, while those in the Middle East are rich in energy, capital, and geo-economic influence. Asian countries, especially China, export their production capacity to the Middle East and North Africa, offering high-quality products and services to the Arab world with its cost-effective solutions. And a more sophisticated industrial chain ecosystem is crucial to the digitalized economic transformation and inclusive growth of the Middle East and North Africa. If sovereign wealth funds in the Middle East invest more in high-quality financial assets and innovative enterprises in Asian countries at large, China especially, countries in the Middle East would enjoy a long-term and secure industrial base for sovereign wealth management and economic growth, thus sharing the long-term growth benefits in Asia and China through investment. Despite challenges on the way forward, the great potential for cooperation between these two regions in cross-border trade, investment, and financing will be the key driver of their sustainable growth in the future.”

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